Scientific Topics

The European Elastin Meeting started in Reims 2001, thanks to Prs Tamburro and Alix, and followed in alternance with the American Gordon Conference on Elastin and Elastin Fibers. Locations as Maratea (Italy), Manchester (UK), Lyon (France), Madrid (Spain), or Ghent (Belgium) were chosen together with other wonderful cities for these meeting. This year the team “Physique des Polymères” of CIRIMAT Laboratory of Paul Sabatier University is honored to host the 8Th Elastin Meeting in Toulouse.

Dysfunctions of elastic tissue and their modifications can be associated with several disorders, and degenerative diseases. The fields of elastin, elastic fibres, elastin like peptides and biomaterials has grown exponentially in the last decades, reflecting the dynamic character of the topic all over the word.

According to the last meeting, we have tried to respect the aim of the meeting and to keep the costs for participants as low as possible.

Therefore on behalf of  the organization committee, I would like to invite you to participate to the meeting. I will be sure that i you will have a very good time to share science and friendship with your colleagues, and surely for appreciate our city.


Invited Speakers :

Alessandra Girotti, University of Valladolid, Spain

Andrea Heinz, Martin Luther University Halle - Wittenberg, Germany

Kristin K. Kumashiro, University of Hawaii

Robert Mecham, Whashington University, Saint Louis, USA

Régis Pomès, University of Toronto, Canada


5 topics will be discussed :

Session I: Molecular and supramolecular structure of the elastic fibers

Session II: Elastin-based biomaterials and regenerative medicine

Session III: Biochemistry of elastic fibers

Session IV: Elastic fiber-associated cell signalling and epigenetics

Session V: Elastic diseases and therapeutic Advances

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